Twenty-Second 10 yen coin [Video/Action for Cianwood]

Jun 21, 2011 22:50

[Without much preamble, the feed opens up to show Yayoi Takatsuki, sitting in her room in Cianwood; she didn't have a soul until about five minutes ago.]

[She DEFINITELY seems to have a soul now, given how ravenously she's eating- okay, INHALING- that bowl of chicken rice left for her by a certain butler. Pardon her for being messy, she's been out-of-body for a few days. A haggard-looking Farfetch'd stands watch at the head of her bed, looking tired but pleased.]

Uuu~... H'yate's chicken ryff's th' b'st!! It's so good~!! I-

[Yayoi catches the Pokegear out of the corner of her vision and turns to face the camera, her eyes widening; her cheeks are full, making her look like a chipmunk, and a few grains of rice are on her face, too. Turning red, she quickly swallows and covers her mouth with a hand, looking horribly embarrassed.] H-How did this-- IORIIIII!!

[The feed cuts out.]

!event, om nom nom, !ic, shedinja

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