Once again some of you need to go over to the
CLAIMS POST and see if your icons are past due. If you can't complete your claim, please leave a comment saying that you want to drop it. If you want a two week extension (and haven't already gotten one) then please ask for one here, including in your comment the name of your claim.
I realize some of the claims are way past due and some people might want to claim them. I've gotten a bit sidetracked so I apologize for that. This is last call, though. So if you don't ask for an extension by the end of the week your claim will be dropped from the list.
Also, I think I need another mod around here. To help add new claims, update the hall of fame list, and maybe even help sort out the old claims. I think it was
lostacanthus's idea to put the old claims in the memories for easy browsing.
If you want to co-mod, you need to comment here with:
Your journal name
Your age
Any comms you've modded (icontests, challenges, etc.)
Any ideas for the comm?