How to do the claims list
Update Shoppe
- Check the image is big/small enough.
- Check if it's spoiler-free and work safe.
- If not spoiler-free add this to the approval comment: Please could you warn in your post and when you reply to the completed list that the image contains spoilers and what type of spoilers they are. Could you also please not post a spoilery preview image/banner/icons outside of the cut. or something to that effect.
- If not work-safe add the same as above but just change the bits about spoilers to 'work safe', etc.
- Assign the cat, sub-cat and subject. Hints:
- Category
- Watch the 's's on the end of the categories. It's Movies, not Movie, Comics/Manga, etc. This also applies to Sub-categories.
- If they specify 'Anime' ask for clarification and place it in TV or Movies
- If a person says their fandom spreads over several forms of media (e.g. TV, manga, movie) then ask which one this image comes from.
- Plays, etc, are currently located in Misc. Generally a new category isn't created unless we can see that there will be lots of claims in that cat. Run any by nebulein.
- A claim only ever has one category and one sub-cat. There is no merging or putting it into two.
- Sub-categories
- If there is a claim for a band, e.g. Oasis, then place this in 'musicians' not 'groups'. However if you have two members of a band they would be under 'groups', then the members names.
- Subject
- Always put the subject in the format: lastname, firstname.
- If there are more than three people/things/etc use 'Misc Group' or something equally appropriate.
- For two people place the one with the surname alphabetically first first.
- Use '&' as opposed to '+' or 'and'
- If there are more than three people use '&' to separate each and everyone of them, never a comma. They are only used for lastname, firstname.
- For people in Famous People: Groups ensure that all names are listed. If there are a lot ask the person if they are a cast of something.
- Watch out for people using actors names instead of characters names and vice versa
- If in doubt, check memories if sub-category exists, and if it doesn't check for movies/tv/character names, for real people.
- Try and ensure you get full names if you can.
- Clarification/Image
- Never worry about having to ask for clarification more than once, if you need to know something more, ask.
- When asking for clarification make the subject of the comment 'Clarification' it makes going back and checking those posts easier.
- If there is something wrong with the image (link doesn't work/too small/etc). Ask the person to correct this and make the subject of the comment 'Image'.
- Approve membership for those people who you've just assigned a claim, watch out for those who you've asked for clarification or about their image. Do not approve those.
- For people you've asked for clarification/etc make sure to comment here in a new comment with the subject as today's date, and in the comment the list of people. This makes sure they're not reminded to submit a claim.
- Check through the post to see if there are any replies to comments you've posted asking for clarification/image. There also might be some comments asking other things. Keep an eye out for these.
- Next step is going through the posts that have been posted since you last did this step and deleting the completed claims from the comments.
- Make sure you delete the correct claim.
- Delete all of the replies to the claim comment as well.
- Once that is done you'll need to go through and check people who haven't posted their icons but have had more than 10 days. You do this by looking at the date the comment ok-ing the claim was posted. This is the comment: Just a reminder, these icons should have been posted. You have had over 10 days. Feel free to request an extension by replying here. If you do not want to complete this set, please reply here to be removed from the claims list.
If you have completed this set already, I apologise, would you please reply and provide us with a link to the completed post.
If you do not reply this claim will be deleted in 10 days.
sas // mod - Make sure to make the subject of this comment, 'Reminder: 2006-08-XX' or whatever the date was when you posted the reminder.
- Next step is to delete anyone who you reminded over 10 days ago who hasn't requested an extension.
- Lastly, anyone who asks for an extension? Grant them 10 days and title the comment: 'Extension: 2006-08-xx' or whatever their new due date is. This comment should be a reply to their original comment. If they ask for an extension in a new comment to the claims post, find their original claim comment and reply there with the extension.