Title: A Birthday Party
Characters: Tom/Ginny
CD & Song: It’s only a paper moon by Ella Fitzgerald
Rating: K+
Disclaimer: I own a Viktor Krum valentine’s day card, not these characters, thankyouverymuch.
Author’s note: My first story for 10tunes. I’m kinda new at this but I hope ya’ll like it.!! [AU]
Tom could pinpoint the exact moment when he realized that he was falling in love with the littlest Weasley.
It was the night before Christmas break, and the last night the students would stay at Hogwarts before school let out for Christmas break. While the rest of her classmates were out celebrating the end of the term, Ginny had taken it upon herself to throw Tom a birthday party. After he had mentioned that he’s never had birthday a party before, Ginny was horrified and was determined to throw him a birthday party, dammit.
Emerging from his diary for their nightly visits, Tom was met by the first year Gryffindor. Taking his hand, she led him to her bed and proudly presented him with a vanilla cupcake (he hates chocolate), lit by a single candle. Tom couldn’t help but look - truly look at the delicate slip of a girl in front of him as she sang happy birthday to him. When she finished singing, Ginny prodded him to blow out the candle. A moment of awkward silence passed, as Ginny fidgeted with her hair, a sign Tom knew mean that she was nervous. “I’m sorry this isn’t much Tom, but it was the best I can do. Do you…do you like it?” She finally blurted out.
Their eyes met as Tom looked up to see the girl staring at him expectantly, and he smiled before answering, “I love it, my sweet girl. And as for it not being much….” Tom placed the cupcake on the bed. With a flick of his wrist, he transfigured the cupcake into a large cake. “…it wouldn’t be make believe if you’ll believe in me.” He whispered before leaning in for a kiss.
And for that moment, it truly wasn’t make believe. That night, the two restless souls found a brief moment of comfort within the other. For a precious few hours, Tom was not burdened by the past nor was he scheming about the future. No thoughts of death, hatred or even Harry Potter crossed his mind as he enjoyed his birthday cake and the cheerful company of the girl who has accidently stolen his heart.
Say it’s only a paper moon, hanging over a cardboard sea
But it wouldn’t be make believe if you believed in me…