The Doctor's app

Apr 15, 2010 13:39

Player Information
Your name/pseudonym: Annelise
Are you 18 or older at the time of this application? Yes
What gender pronouns do you prefer?: She, her
Your email:
Your chat handles: AIM: sqwoil G!talk: acbuiten
Do you currently have any other characters in this game? If so, please list them here: Penny Day

Character Information
Name: The Doctor
Nickname/aliases: Occasionally John Smith
Canon (e.g. Harry Potter/Firefly/Star Trek): Doctor Who
Canon Type (e.g. book, movie, television show, play)?: Television
Character's LJ: 10thdr

Brief history of your character (100-200 word minimum):
The tenth Doctor’s adventures started when his ninth regeneration sacrificed himself to save Rose Tyler, the young woman who had been traveling with him as his companion. Even though the tenth Doctor was completely different than the ninth, he and Rose quickly became close friends.
When the tenth Doctor and Rose traveled together, they were particular carefree in their attitude, even when facing death. They became convinced that nothing could ever separate them and they would travel together forever, but unfortunately, they were wrong. With the (unintentional) help of Torchwood, who were weakening the fabric between their reality and another alternate one, Cybermen and the Daleks were able to invade the earth. The Doctor and Rose were able to defeat them by sucking them into the Void (a dead emptiness between the two universes) and sealing off the two realities forever, but not without a cost. Rose would have been sucked into the Void had it not been for her alternate universe father, who managed to transport her to the alternate reality seconds before. Rose was safe, but trapped. The Doctor was able to patch a message through to the other universe to say goodbye, burning up a star in order to do so. It was then that Rose told the Doctor that she loved him, and he tried to return the sentiment, but his transmission died before he could say anything other than “Rose Tyler”.
After this, he found a new companion named Martha Jones.It was during this time that a man named Harold Saxon had been elected as Prime Minister. Through their adventures, the Doctor realized that Harold Saxon was not some average candidate, but instead an insane Timelord named the Master, who the Doctor has presumed died with the rest of the Timelords. The Master captured the Doctor and ruled earth for a year, until, with the help of Martha and the entire planet, he is able to defeat the Master and turn back time, so that the year never happened, remembered only by the few people on the Master’s ship. Martha, who had been in love with the Doctor from the beginning of their travels together, decided to leave because she knew the Doctor will never feel that way about her, and saw her relationship with him as unhealthy for her.
A few months after Marth left, he found Donna when they are both investigating Adipose Industries. After establishing that there was no way Donna would ever fall in love with the Doctor, the two begin to travelling together. At the point the Doctor is taken from, immediately before the episode Midnight, nothing terribly important has happened between the two yet.
For more information, see the Doctor Who Wiki:

Brief synopsis of your character's personality (100 word minimum):
The Doctor is usually charismatic, friendly, with boundless energy and enthusiasm, the latter of which is frequently exhibited in inappropriate situations. He cans sometimes be rude, though usually it is unintentional. He can flip through moods very quickly, being manic one moment, then angry the next, sometimes with very little provocation. He has a great sense of superiority and can be extremely arrogant, which leads to him having a very hard time accepting defeat or failure. While in some situations this is a benefit, because he keeps pushing to find a solution where others would have accepted defeat, it can also result in outbursts of despair, anger, or depression. Due to everything he’s experienced in his life, he can be extremely lonely, though he usually pushes people away when they try to ask what’s wrong (an example of this is when he says, “I’m always alright.”)
After the loss of Rose, the angry, more sober side of the Doctor was much more prominent. The Doctor is a very old man who had seen a great number of horrible things, and after Rose, who had helped him overcome some of these feelings during their time together, both as himself and his previous regeneration, his capacity for mercy and compassion seems to have been worn thin in some instances.

Age:901 (appears to be in his 30s)
Appearance (please be sure to include any distinguishing traits that you want other characters to notice, .e.g. scars, eye color, particular jewelry): The Doctor is a tall, skinny man who appears to be in his thirties. He has brown eyes and brown hair that is usually messy, as well as sideburns. He is also a bit pale and freckly.
The Doctor almost always wears a brown, pinstriped, four button suit with a pair of cream converse sneakers. Usually he wears a button up shirt and tie, but sometimes wears a teeshirt, sometimes on it’s own, or under an open necked button up. He also frequently wears a light brown, faux-suede trenchcoat and a pair of black, thick-rimmed glasses.

Icon (100x100 pixels, preferably textless, good quality icon for cast list):

Game Information
What is the point of your character's canon in which you are introducing your character? (Year, after or during book #/comic issue/television episode, etc.) : Between the episodes Midnight and Turn Left, during the fourth of the new seasons of Doctor Who.
Is your character alive or dead at the point of entry to the game?: Alive.
What skills does your character have?: The Doctor is a genius, as the Time Lords were one of the most, if not the most advanced species before they died, and is typically able to sort through complicated problems very quickly. He is quite good at persuading people to take a certain course of action, either through reverse psychology, yelling/threats, or by appealing to their conscience. Though he hates fighting and typically tries to avoid it whenever possible, he is extremely skilled at it. He’s very good at hacking technology, especially when aided by his sonic screwdriver, as well as repairing mechanical equipment. He’s also an excellent runner.

When your character is shown to his/her room, he/she will find 10 personal items, which the Island has supplied. These things can only be what they would typically have in canon. Please, list those 10 items here. (Clothing need not be included as it is automatically provided. Any special articles of clothing, however, e.g. a team uniform, must be listed):
1. His sonic screwdriver
2. His TARDIS (non-functional; he can feel her, but she cannot ‘turn on’ or do anything, and only the console room is the only room that can be entered. No storage compartments in the console room can be accessed)
3. A box containing tools, bits of electronics, and diagrams.
4. A telescope
5. A stethoscope
6. A chest of fictional books (as seen in “The Unicorn and the Wasp”)
7. His psychic paper
8. A small box holding tins of tea and a blue mug.
9. A few old, thick books written in Gallifreyan with papers stuffed in them.
10. Rose’s jacket

Intro Post:

The Doctor banged on the door that separated his and Donna’s suites with his elbow, a few brochures falling from his hands. “Donna, open up. Donna! Oh, never mind.” He rolled his eyes, gathering up his brochures in one arm, and used the other to pull his sonic screwdriver out of his pocket. Once the door was unlocked, he knocked one more time. “I’m coming in!”

He opened the room, peeking in before he walked inside. “Donna?” The woman in question was nowhere in sight, and the bathroom door was open. Rolling his eyes again, he plopped down on her bed and let the brochures spill to the bedspread. “Visiting a planet made of diamonds and what does she want to do? Sit by the pool.”

He sorted through the pamphlets for a few moments before picking up one that advertised the sapphire waterfalls off the Cliffs of Oblivion. After reading it over and checking the boarding time, he stood and stuffed it in his pocket, ready to make his way to the spa and try to convince Donna to join him.

The next thing he was conscious was that he was lying on his back, wind tousling his hair. He lay still, confused for a few moments. How could there be wind? Midnight had Xtonic sunlight, there was no way…

He bolted upright, eyes wide, looking around at his surroundings. It was late, wherever he was, and the sun was setting. He was on some sort of balcony, attached to a widow’s walk on top of what appeared to be a very large house. He leaned over the edge, looking around for other people. There were signs of life, to be sure, a clothesline, basketball court, and a hammock…as well as a great big wall. “If there’s one thing I don’t like, it’s a great big imposing wall,” he muttered to himself as he patted down his pockets. He stopped when he felt something thick in his interior breast pocket, which he pulled out.

For a few minutes, he only stared at it, completely shocked. There, on the front of the envelope, was his name, his real name, and underneath that was written, “The Doctor”. He ran his hand through his hair, thinking. Who could have known that name? As far as he knew, there was only one person in the entire universe who knew that name, and he was fairly certain that she was not behind this.

He carefully tore open the envelope, pulling out a map and a key with 310 stamped on it. He ran his hand through his hair, staring at them both for a moment. The map was extremely confusing, and the house didn’t seem to be laid out in any in any sort of order. He spotted the room that matched his key on the floor below, so after tucking the map, envelope, and key back into his suit’s breast pocket, he headed down the stairs and onto the third floor.

tlr app

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