Oct 27, 2008 10:38
First of all. I cant bare my layout at the moment, so I think I shall change it soon.
Moving on - What a lovely weekend!
Our Geass group was extremely fabulous and the amount of people that turned up was huge! I couldnt believe it.
I really did love everyone's costumes and am so pleased I managed to finish mine in time >_<"
unfortunately, I didnt take my camera, so I am going to wait until everyone is finished posting their pictures and link/borrow a few to post on here and on Cure/cosplay.com
The Soul Eater cosplay group was also pretty damned good. There was this one Chrona/Krona on the sunday that was fantastic. It's one cosplay I'd absolutely love to do - unfortunately I'd have to become a stick before this happens. Then again, its the same with almost all of the cosplays I'd like to do in the future T_T. *pokes flab* ARKJSAK:SFSrWRRYYYY.
But in the end - I made lots of nice new friends (○°ω°○)ノ(haha)and had a lovely and funny time with them all.
Though - Nunnally did get revealed as a fake cripple all weekend, pushed out her chair, stabbed, shot at .....
soul eater,
code geass