Title: "Death"
Character: Walter/Seras
Author: SystemAurora
Rating: G
Theme: 8B, bedroom
Warnings: spoilers for Moulin Rouge
Summary: Walter never would have suggested this film if he'd realised...
"No, no!" Seras wept. "You can't die, you can't! You just found love and happiness and... and..." she sobbed brokenly. "Oh God, it's too much. Don't die!"
"It's alright, Seras." Walter stroked her wet cheek. "It will be alright."
"No, no it won't!" she practically shrieked. "Walter..."
"There, there," he tried to comfort her. "It is just a film, you know."
"No, Satine," Seras moaned into Walter's chest. "How will he go on without her? They had just found each other and she died!" She began sobbing inconsolably again.
They were nestled together on Walter's bed, christening his new DVD player with the film he had suggested: Moulin Rouge. There had been a limited selection and it seemed like something she would enjoy, so he'd mentioned it. She had agreed, and they'd gotten through the first two hours with Seras gasping and laughing and tensing at all the right moments. However, the tragic ending seemed to have caught her off guard.
"Why don't they give her antibiotics?" she wailed. "They can't just stand there and do nothing!"
"Antibiotics weren't widely used and understood until around the time of the Great War," Walter explained. "They didn't have any treatment for tuberculosis in 1899."
As Seras sobbed loudly into his shirt, Walter determined never to suggest Titanic or Bambi for film nights.