(no subject)

Dec 22, 2005 01:23

I saw Harry Potter tonight. Good movie actually. For some young actresses, I'll say, that there are some good looking ones.

Today was unproductive. Surfed the net the whole day, pretty much- and saw harry potter. other than that, didn't get anything done. found out that even if i want to, i can't sit for the CPA exam until i have my bachelor's degree--even though clark nuber sent me material to take a review course. oh well. i did some practice questions for the cpa exam- they didn't seem hard (the multiple choice) but i didn't do so well so yeah...and then there's a written part (sorta) and that's time-consuming. oh well. i also did more research on clark nuber- as in their awards, past press releases, and such. good firm. i'm really torn between clark nuber and all that it has to offer (e.g. small-firm, huge emphasis on technology, numerous awards, possible salary + benefits, etc.) but i'm also thinking that a BIG 4 firm might be good as well-mainly because if i want to become a CFO (jokingly), or at least move into the private field, it looks best to have big 4 experience (they're national/international firms). i'll have to weigh my options after the summer.

tomorrow i might get a new phone. about time since my current one sucks. i am debating between two phones (both very expensive...arg). one is the "blade"- which is like the samsung verison of the 'razor.' it has a 1.3 megapixel camera, video, thin, black, etc. The other one is also by samsung but $50 more and is slightly bigger than my current phone. but it has expansion memory, better camera/camcorder (2 megapixels!!!), etc. I'll have to check it out tomorrow i suppose- that is, if i actually get one. or i could go the cheap way and get a free one which might be great because i don't really have $250-$300 to spend.

tomorrow night i'm going to hang out with diane. should be fun. then on friday, going to go shopping with my sister and dad probably. possibly suit shopping; since i need one. actually, i determined that i need to buy a suit or two and it's going to be over $1K for all of the stuff i need. but i guess it's an "investment" and i need to 'dress to impress.' i'm going to check out some places- nordies, nordie rack, brooks brothers, macy's, men's wherehouse, k & G, etc.

i am still waiting for one classes' grades: International Business 300. Both my professor and teacher are not cool yo. I had the professor before for marketing and i should have learned my lesson the first time- in the marketing class i took from him during my first quarter, i got my lowest grade at UW- i think he gave me like 40% participation. what a loser. but his class was probably easier than the other IBUS's class- although the night class would have been good too. and my TA was so uninformed.

Some people know my grades already- and if you do, please don't tell anyone else until i do. i would rather wait til i know all of the news before telling everyone i suppose. perhaps tomorrow...er later today (looking at the time).
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