Jan 28, 2005 22:25
Yes, that's the name of a Kylie Minogue song and CD, but that's also what I have. It was up to about 103 degrees this morning. I felt like crap. I think it's down to about 100 now, but I am still sick. Every 10 minutes, I "destroy" a kleenex with mounds of snot- I knew all of you wanted to know this. And I am not 100%, but I have been doing my homework the whole day. Although, I didn't get that much done because I am slow and have been procrastinating. I had to cancel out on weekend events and I gave up my hours on Sunday at work so I can get rest and do more homework (I have my first assignment for BCMU 499 where I have to grade papers- fun!). And I think I might call in sick tomorrow morning. I really should be going to sleep now, but I am going to do more reading. Ha.
I got my Accounting Midterm back yesterday. It was ok. I mean I feel sorta stupid for making one or two bad mistakes which could have gotten me a better grade (close to the best grade in the class!). But all things considered, I didn't do too poorly- heck, I only "studied" for 1 hour before the test. I usually don't study for tests; instead, I do the homework, go to class, and try to figure it out as we're going through the material. If I don't understand something by the test date, then there's no hope! But, thankfully, there's usually help for me! But my Information Systems midterm might be another story. I will have to update you on that...it may be the worst test score in awhile.
Oh, funny thing. I have about 25 Honey Baked Ham $5 gift cards that I "took" from somewhere. They were just laying on a table for people to have a couple but it's such a good deal, that I had to just take some more- and it's not like anyone else would have taken. I'm serious: they've been laying on this table for a month of two. Anyways, there's a Honey Baked Ham place in University Village which is just down the hill from UW so Bidgood, Ben and I have been going there. They are starting to recognize us and our giftcards so we might have an issue. We might have to try the Bellevue or Edmonds location or they might restrict our usuage. You should try it. If anyone wants to go to lunch sometime, it's on me! Well, $5 is on me- and as long as I have the Honey Baked Ham giftcards, etc.