Sep 18, 2007 13:46
I honestly never thought I could be pissed off by a commentary. Although I do get deeply involved in shows, I don't usually let them affect me at a deep level, it's all surface. But the dismissal of the rape elements in the Stargate Atlantis episode "Irresistible" commentary has me angry nearly beyond words. The fact that they didn't think of it during production and then once the argument was brought up, they dismiss it entirely. They never even think about the implications of having a character using a drug to coerce women into having sex with him when they had previously rejected him. While that kind of thoughtlessness pissed me off, I worked around it as the kind of ignorance that they were hopefully now corrected on. But that they are now aware of the problems, and don't believe that they are problems galls me.
Let's assume Sheppard never fixes things, or doesn't fix things in time. Elizabeth and Teyla would have been carried away by Lucius and then he would have had sex with them while they were under the effects of a drug that took away their ability to say "no" to him. Would it have been such a laughing matter if the characters were not nameless one offs, but instead our heroine's. It's much easier to objectify and write off the consequences to guest characters who say a grand total of five lines and are never seen or heard from again.
stargate atlantis