A Walk to Beautiful (documentary)

Jun 26, 2009 20:33

Something that inspired me recently in my 10% journey was watching a PBS documentary 'A Walk to Beautiful' on hulu.com one evening. I found myself crying and utterly hopeful... this is a terrible suffering that we CAN do something about. 'Fistula used to be present in the U.S. and Europe, but was largely eliminated in the latter part of the 19th century and early 20th century with improved obstetric care in general and the use of c-sections in particular to relieve obstructed labor. " ...however in developing countries it is still a huge problem due to lack of knowledgeable health care.
I was so incredibly moved by the work that these doctors are doing in Ethiopia....so thankful that they are doing this and giving so much of themselves to cure these women that that night I decided that The Fistula Foundation was definitely the next organization I needed to donate a 10% to. Fittingly, one of the artworks of mine that then sold that I could 10% from is called 'Iteration: The Beauty of Life':)
you can watch the documentary here:

I would love to know your thoughts.

video, documentary, fistula, awalktobeautiful

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