I am very conscious of problems with the Red Cross and the United Nations. I am concerned too about the attention span and long term contribution of Medecins Sans Frontieres. Therefore I'm compiling a list of local Lebanese charities, and non-proliferation charities, one might safely send one's money to -- without enabling sectarian religious fighters. Two good sources of links, which I recommend you surf, are the
Association for Volunteer Services list of links, highly recommended, and the
World Bank Lebanon list of small grantees -- I can be certain they're not Hezbollah, though some of them seem to be the kind of worthless doing of good by making videos and workshops that I abhor. One of the links on the AVS is Hezbollah. Read the whole website before you send the money, and rely on your instincts.
Those of you who read and write Arabic might volunteer to translate a special donation page into English for those on the AVS site whose websites are only in Arabic or French, for example
http://www.makassed.org.lb/indexflash.html, or
http://www.oum-el-nour.org/ or
http://www.cal.4mg.com/ or
http://www.zakathouse-leb.org/. There are a number of others.
Please note also there's an environmental catastrophe going on and
Greenpeace is already on the scene, ferrying refugees.
http://www.amel.org.lb/main.html http://www.laes.org/ http://www.safadi-foundation.org/web/profile.php http://www.carnegieendowment.org/npp/nplinks.cfm http://openlebanon.org/ http://greenline.org.lb/new/index.html http://www.nabaa-lb.org/articles/templates/aboutus.asp?articleid=3&zoneid=2 http://www.jalebanon.org/ http://www.sos.org.lb/SOSChildrensVillages.html http://www.makhzoumifoundation.org/micro%20credit.htm x-posted from my personal journal.