(no subject)

Mar 28, 2006 13:10

Well, the community info asks for organizations you support, so I have a few.

Firstly, Aura's House (http://aurashouse.com). This organization works to raise money and works through Children International to get great projects done. Their main project is currently raising money to build a school in Manila, The Philippines. You should take a look at the pictures, the current school is in really bad shape! They also have smaller projects which raise money for especially poor families. Sponsors of children through CI email the site and nominate their child for a Small Project. They do some really great work and I definitely reccommend checking them out.

Secondly, Alliance for Youth Achievement (http://www.allforyouth.org). They do many things, but mainly they partner with poor schools in various parts of the world. Galilee School (http://www.galileeschool.org) is one of the schools that's got a great community online, and you can sponsor a child's school fees for only $20 a year. Defintely something to look into.

I am currently myself working on setting up a website for another AYA school, the Christian Upliftment School in Uganda. This school, which is in Southern Uganda, mainly serves orphans who are refugees of the Civil War, mainly taking place in the north. This school has undergone a lot of hardships recently, with the school director dying very suddenly about a month ago (his wife now runs the school), and, on top of that, they were evicted from the land they were renting because the owner had a buyer (they have now moved to a nearby location and are working on buying that land.) Children from this school will also be available for sponsorship for $20/yr. The school is only about a year old and I'm still working on getting things set up for them, but the need is certainly tremendous! If any of you are interested in possibly being a sponsor, definitely drop me an email (purplicious@bellsouth.net) and I'll send you the information when it's available.

Thanks for reading. I'm definitely passionate about all of these groups and I think they're great causes to support!

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