smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
im bummed about justin.
Is this all you can give? says:
So smash, tell me about Justin
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
like oohh man
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
somethin was up cus like he'd been askin me everyday like if id ever cheated on him. sayin how he didnt believe tthat i was good and what not
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
fishy right?
Is this all you can give? says:
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
like why so worried all of a sudden?
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
whatever that was fine
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
but i go online and justin msn was on
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
and lesley popped up
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
justin was in bed so you know me. i pretended i was him lol
Is this all you can give? says:
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
i was like whatd you tell smash!?
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
and she was like
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
well nothin but im not one to lie upon confrontation...
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
i was like fuck.
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
i was like well shes gfunna ask what r u guna say?!
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
and shes like the truth
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
and im like which iss?
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
and iwas on mine also
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
and i asked
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
and she was like to justin she was like i tol her that we made out. fooled around a bit and fell asleep
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
and i was like (justin) like why wouldd u tell her!? wtff
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
and she was like DEAL with it
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
hold on i have it savbed
Is this all you can give? says:
Is this all you can give? says:
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
(01:55:00 AM) lesleeeey: dude ..blame yourself. if it was up to you we would have fucked and i said NO! so deal with that. dont blame me you fuck,
(01:55:22 AM) Justin a. Kuipers is so sick: would have FUCKED how do you figure
(01:55:50 AM) lesleeeey: maybe cause u fucking were begging me ...and i said no.
Is this all you can give? says:
Holy fuck dude
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
so i sent him a msg saying this is why im leavin as the heading. and that as a msg
Is this all you can give? says:
I told you Justin was a bad idea!!
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
i know.
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
but. i love him. alot
Is this all you can give? says:
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
i know
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
im devastated dude
Is this all you can give? says:
Ashley, how can you love someone that odviously doesn't love you back...
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
yeah but. like i dono.
Is this all you can give? says:
I mean wait.. how can you STAY with someone
Is this all you can give? says:
By all means I still love bill, but I will not be with him for what he did
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
im not stayyin. i dont wanna be here anyways. like i wanna be @ your place. i wanna be w/ him but i want him to know what he did was not ok
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
im not tellin him im leaving.
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
im deletin my facebook.
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
he canrt reach me cuis he has no phone
Is this all you can give? says:
And I really think you shouldn';t be with Justin becuse he's fucking up huge and screwing around.. You don't need that at all
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
i ended our relationship on facebook
Is this all you can give? says:
Don't delete it till you get here caus I want to save those pictures K heh.
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
Is this all you can give? says:
Is this all you can give? says:
But anyways, back to the point
Is this all you can give? says:
I think you just need to get out and do your own thing, even for a while
Is this all you can give? says:
Experience life as we know it!
smaaash [ dis is how we dooo ha ha ] says:
im gonna be with him. like i just need to be on my own. and him to know i dont need him
Smash is moving in with me for a bit. She's going to get a job and pay half my rent, and we may be getting a place in a couple months.. I don't know yet. But right now she needs a place to stay, so of course, I can never turn down a friend.
I really feel like Jane from 27 dresses.. I never say no, I don't know how to say no.
Last night I went to Tabi's party! It was fun =). I drank 13 beers and walked home in the freezing cold. When I got up this morning, there were 12 missed calls and 8 voicemails.. all from Josh! Him and our friends went to the bars last night, and for some reason he had gotten left downtown with NO money and no ride home.. and he had to walk.. He sounded so sad in his voicemails.. I felt really bad that I had my ringer off and didn;t get his calls. I called him thius morning when I got the messages and he sounded really hungover and sick and I was like ARE YOU OKAY!? He was like.. yeah I'm ok, just had a rouch night =(.
Tonight he works till midnight ish and he's going home tomoro for a couple days to help his family move into their new house, so I'm going to go see him after work.
My landlords are showing the house today at 4, I should probably shower!