You are freaking fantastic 0____0 I'm in middle of a mix for them as well, but I think I need to see the movie again to get my creative juices flowing :P
You are fantastic, love. Not to be a creeper, but it's hard not to remember your username--don't you ship Erik/Christine too? (and I'm super excited about you making a Snape/Lily fanmix too... they are so OTP, icanteven)
Oh thank God, I thought I was being the creeper! I remember that you requested icons at my comm once and your name is so unique, I picked you out right away :D
Glad to know we're on the same ship boat Snape/Lily =omgicanteventheyaresoaaahhhh!!! and E/C! why yes I like doomed ships!
LOL again, you are the one with the unique name! And you co-run that amazing Phantom daily comm... why yes I am a creeper!
I REMEMBER THAT! You do amazing graphics, btw, I was so happy when you had a request post ^^ And you do Phantom graphics, which is just amazing, hahaha.
AHHH IKR? I love finding new Snape/Lily lovers <3 Your sentiments on this ship (omgicanteventheyaresoaaahhhh) are exactlty the same as mine. And ikr? E/C reminds me so much of S/L... (or S/L reminds me of E/C, hahaha) but yeah. I like doomed ships too, it's okay (: follow poto_daily? my wonderful baby!?
OH MY GOD. I just discovered your S/L fanfic. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Yes, E/C is kinna like S/L, with the whole "I love you from afar" type love one sided love? THERE IS NO SUCH THING IN MY SHIPPING WORLD!
Now, I shall run off to read your S/L fic, I leave you with this: (because I'm a sadist)
Thank you, hahaha <3
Glad to know we're on the same ship boat Snape/Lily =omgicanteventheyaresoaaahhhh!!! and E/C! why yes I like doomed ships!
I REMEMBER THAT! You do amazing graphics, btw, I was so happy when you had a request post ^^ And you do Phantom graphics, which is just amazing, hahaha.
AHHH IKR? I love finding new Snape/Lily lovers <3 Your sentiments on this ship (omgicanteventheyaresoaaahhhh) are exactlty the same as mine. And ikr? E/C reminds me so much of S/L... (or S/L reminds me of E/C, hahaha) but yeah. I like doomed ships too, it's okay (:
OH MY GOD. I just discovered your S/L fanfic. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Yes, E/C is kinna like S/L, with the whole "I love you from afar" type love one sided love? THERE IS NO SUCH THING IN MY SHIPPING WORLD!
Now, I shall run off to read your S/L fic, I leave you with this: (because I'm a sadist)
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Ahaha! Thank you <3 I have so much love for these two, idek. It comes out in fic and angsty fanmixes, hahaha.
UGH YOU. The way he moves his hand at the end of the gif to wrap around her body tighter... lord. Well, I wouldn't want to be out of the loop, so...
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