Title: Forgotten Glory
Author: Catherine
Word Count: 379
Gnere: Romance/Friendship
Fandom: None; original.
I stare at her. She’s as still as a statue, but that doesn’t scar her beauty. Even in the dim sunlight I can see her hair blowing in the slight breeze and I think about how naturally gorgeous she is. Her straight, long hair, her slim figure…
It’s so natural.
Her back is turned to me, and around her is a heavy pea coat despite the 70 degree weather. She stares out over the tracks, almost as if she’s waiting for the old southbound to come rolling over the hills again like it once did.
Doesn’t she know the train doesn’t run anymore?
It stopped a while ago, and now the old station is one of the few buildings still standing in this ancient ghost town. Only three or four other buildings remain, but they’re all vacant, and they will be forevermore. They remain in forgotten glory, like small signs of unremembered life that was forced to die.
Turning back to her, I notice that she has walked down and is now standing on the tracks. I walk closer to the station.
“Hey, Katie…” I say as casually as I can, walking up to her on the tracks. She jerks her head around and I notice she has a tear streaked face.
She stands there for a moment and then looks down into her jacket. Suddenly the tears start to spill and a revolver drops at my feet from underneath her pea coat. I never knew she was so broken.
A moment passes between us before the dam shatters and the tears flow like a river from her eyes. She breaks down and falls to her knees, burying her face in her hands. I follow her down.
“Shh… shh…” I whisper, laying a hand on her shoulder. I never was that good of friends with her, despite my “love at first sight” moment three years ago. I never did get over that love.
She coughs, the tears catching in her throat, and tries to apologize.
Her voice catches between every word. “I…’m so… sorry, I…” I hold her hand and help her to her feet.
“Don’t be,” I say, and for the first time look her dead in the eyes. They’re brown.
I always thought she had blue eyes.