Weird Dreams

Aug 19, 2004 14:07

I had a few weird dreams last night. I really can't remember them very well right now. I really need to try to remember them cause I always have the strangest things happen. Well, the one that stood out was that my teeth kept falling out. I was at the same age I am now. I was at a party with some friends and for some reason I kept losing my teeth. I just remember playing with my mouth a lot cause it felt like 4 teeth were loose but only one came out at a time in the duration of the night. The party was at some guy's house. The house was VERY dirty so I was scared to touch anything. The only thing I kept thinking about was to keep the teeth and take them to the dentist to have them checked out as well as my mouth. It was really weird. I remember looking for milk, to put my teeth into, in the fridge and there wasn't any, so I went over to the owner of the house and asked if there was any milk anywhere and he said he had a bunch. So I followed him into the kitchen were he got it out of the pantry. I kept telling him that the milk is probably spoiled and that it needs to be stored in the fridge. He said he never puts the milk in the fridge and it's fine. So I had him check the milk to see if it was spoiled and it wasn't for some reason. So I kept trying to get a little container to put the teeth and milk in so that they will be safe.

That's when I woke up. It kind of sucked but yeah. I wish there was a way to interpret dreams. I know dream books are overrated and are not always true, but I still looked at one just now for guidance. Here is what it says:
  • Loose teeth are a warning of untrustworthy friends
  • If they fell out or you spit them out, it is a sign of a seasonal of financial reverses
I really don't like reading these things, but in a way, it really makes me think. Anyways, I better go. I have to be at work soon.
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