Title: Golden Hour
tenlittlebulletsFandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Nine and Rose
Rating/warnings: G, no warnings
Summary: Golden hour (photography): the last hour before sunset, much prized for the warm diffuse quality of its light. Golden hour (medicine): the first hour after a major traumatic injury, in which treatment is most likely to prevent death. Post-'The End of the World' drabble.
They linger in the chip shop until they get kicked out. When they step outside it’s almost sundown already, and the light is slanting rich and warm through the streets. The Doctor stops short; his gaze fixes itself westwards, where the sky is just beginning to light up orange, glittering off of windows like a city on fire.
Rose nudges him. They’re blocking the door. “What’s the matter? No wait, don’t tell me, more aliens.”
The thousand-yard stare snaps, the Doctor’s eyes focus on Rose, and he grins an evasive grin. “Nah. Someone just walked over my grave, that’s all.”
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