(no subject)

Jan 07, 2013 13:11

Had a good weekend, though very busy--so much social interaction, halp. Among other things, drove
kinetikatrue to New York for a concert and got second row at The Mystery of Edwin Drood through the wonders of student rush. I can't say I've ever participated in choose-your-own-adventure theatre before, but it was a very good production and the play is just meta enough that the actors descending into the audience to troll for votes actually worked. And the ending we got worked surprisingly well: Rosa is such a bland ingénue on the surface that I was really dubious when the audience voted her the murderer, but she's also been seething under the attentions of Edwin's rapey uncle the whole time and--crucially--no one ever steps in to help her. The explanation that Edwin had borrowed Creepface's cloak against the weather, and that Rosa saw him approaching her alone in the dark and didn't realize who he was until she'd already taken matters into her own hands and strangled him, actually makes the whole thing more poignant and more interesting.

Less cheerfully, New Jersey roads are a Kafkaesque nightmare that only make sense if you try to imagine someone playing pick-up sticks with cooked spaghetti and deciding to impose order on the chaos solely through the application of "no left turn" signs. New Jersey also ate an astounding amount of my money--ditched the car in Hoboken and took the PATH train into the city, which would've worked great except that (a) the parking garage rates were misleading as fuck, and (b) the entire PATH system was closed overnight, with no notices I could see on the train coming in, and I had to take a cab back to Hoboken. None of which would be ruinous, except that work STILL hasn't reimbursed me for the last business trip they sent me on, leaving me short a chunk of change equal to one-fifth my annual salary. Over a year's worth of rent. Yeah, it all came out of my savings account, but jesus that's a hefty sum to be dragging your feet about getting back to someone over the Christmas holidays, and they're thinking about sending me out again at the end of the month.

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