Sherlock: #imwithsherlock, gen, PG

Jan 19, 2012 22:08

Title: #imwithsherlock
Fandom: BBC Sherlock
Characters: John, Mrs. Hudson, Henry Knight, Anonymous
Spoilers: Series 2 general, "The Reichenbach Fall" in particular.
Summary: It starts with a hashtag.

A/N: I am slightly cheating, since this isn't the first time I've used this particular format, but you know what, fandom's not for keeping score. This is not to be taken as an endorsement of any real-life graffiti campaigns because dude.

It started with graffiti, with rumors, with a Twitter hashtag:


Not that we really believed it-not everybody, not at first. The tabloids wouldn't publish anything else right after, just people talking bollocks about him, so there was something silly and subversive about contradicting the headlines, making stuff up. But when Fleet Street got bored and found another shiny object, we were still there, still talking to each other, still talking at all.


There were other rumors, too-that people had been bribed, had been threatened, had been killed. People who went to uni with him. People who'd hired him in the past. Made some of us leery about talking at all, but that's where Twitter came in, and G+, and anonymous blogs via proxy servers.

He knew things I'd never told anyone, ever.

He diagnosed a heart condition even my GP had missed!

My grandmother hid her diamonds in a false-bottomed drawer when she fled the Russian Revolution and he found them in fifteen minutes. Are you saying he's a time traveler?


Henry Knight really broke it-took out an advert in three different newspapers announcing that he'd been getting death threats if he ever talked about what happened in Baskerville. Helped that his car exploded the next day, and thank God nobody actually got hurt and all, but that was amazing and insane. That got people talking, all right, got people coming out of the woodwork to speak up, got people to think.

He gave me fifty quid for watching one little shop and taking pictures of all the men with beards who came in and out.

He got me off a murder charge and never asked for a penny.

I worked for the BBC for fifteen years and I've never heard of Richard Brook.


Kitty Reilly talked back, of course, and she talked a good story, but we had questions she couldn't answer and it looked bad that her informant was suddenly AWOL. And meanwhile we were still talking. Telling stories, posting blogs. Got into the papers, a few of us. They can't blow up everybody's cars, can they? Whoever they are.

I remember 'The Storyteller' but the presenter was a woman and her name sure wasn't Richard.

I never wrote anything on Richard Brook and I demand the Herald redact that article at once.

He brought my husband's killer to justice.

He saved my life.


This bloke Chris made up a nice graphic for everyone to use, based on all the graffiti We all changed our Facebook photos to it for a week. We started asking about Richard Brook's side of the story. We started asking for his birth certificate.

He deduced our whole uni class and never asked for a cent. Kept doing it even though we all hated him.


It got big when Anonymous got on our side. They spammed NSY's website with pictures of kittens in deerstalkers until someone agreed to reopen the Moriarty cases. Not that anyone did, but it was funny to watch the CDI try to talk about kittens in a proper press conference, and it got us press all over the world.

It got big when John started blogging again.

I saw him work, once-he pulled people off a bus and shouted at them. Knew which ones were the tourists and everything. What d'you call that, a flash mob?


We were a bit weirded out by John talking to us, not gonna lie-it was a little like, I dunno, breaking the fourth wall, or when a politician's widow takes his old office. (Not that anyone's saying John's gay, just. Well. You know.) He admitted he hadn't planned on ever using the blog again, and the old comments were kind of a mess of hate mail and spam and Russian mail-order brides, but somebody set him up with a much better Captcha going forward. The important thing was, John said he was grateful, that he'd take all the help he could get.

A bunch of us invited him out for dinner, and you know, he's a lot taller than he looks in the pictures.

Where's Richard Brook now, eh?

Who really kidnapped those kids?

When are we going to get a proper investigation?


We tried a letter-writing campaign to NSY to get the cases reopened, and some people thought it would be funny to mail them loads of cigarettes with messages wrote on the cartons, or the kitten pictures, or both. We tried to get Bono involved, but, you know, AIDS. We tried to start an Occupy Baker Street until Mrs. Hudson complained about the mess.

We kept posting, kept talking, kept writing, kept painting the walls.

#imwithsherlock all the way!

#imwithsherlock and so can you!

Proud to say #imwithsherlock bitches!

John says he'll never give up until everyone knows the truth, and we'll be with him every step of the way.

We're with Sherlock.

character: john watson, pairing: gen, character: henry knight, character: mrs. hudson, fandom: sherlock

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