May 11, 2005 21:26
i feel like POO!
anywho, history is finally over. forever. i'll never do it again. okay thats prolly a lie but its a nice comforting thought that topics will only be movies for the rest of the year.
today was a fun day, other than the exam bright and early. afterwards, me and mikey trekked over to oconnell and covered allies car in goofy pictures and left her a birthday card to be redeemed for a clit piercing. or something. after that mikey and i retreated to our usual doing of nothing, this time at advance auto parts. i've never seen someone do that. it was....odd. OH, talked to mercedes today (i havent been at school in ages) and i would just like to say she is a super bitch that should not be trusted. ever. hide your children when shes around. lol ;) i tormented her some more about her giant "sex swing" birthday gift. then i went to work. OH THIS WEEKS TRAVESTY! the hot kid returned his tux today, late, but before i got there. ruined melissa's and my week.
the rest of my week is blah. hopefully i'll get to sleep some before the weekend. my allergies suck.