Jun 07, 2005 21:55
Today i went into amc and talked about the Everod wanting to have sex with teenagers thing. It was my mom, myself, Dave and a lady named Megan from Whitby came as a witness. She was nice. I told him everything, things people told me not to tell i told...but i said they were rumors and maybe not true. I cried, a lot. Everytime my mom said "she used to love AMC and now shes afraid" i cried. Everytime Dave said how shocked he was i cried. Everytime i finished talking i cried. when i left the building i cried. right now im crying.
Why are men such assholes? why do they feel that they need to have sex 24/7 and prey on teenagers because they think their hot when really they could never have them. There should be a rule that men over 30 are not allowed to even glance at girls under 20. not that it makes a difference if its a 29 year old looking at a 21 year old. I hate that women cant live life without men abusing them. The day after it happened i was crying and my mom said to me "Tegan, Im sorry. You're not ugly so this will happen again and next time it will be worse" fuck.... all men should die! ... but then they shouldnt because we need to have babies. All men should be kept in isolated areas away from women only to be allowed out when the woman chooses to mate.
After i left amc my mom asked if i wanted ice cream at Demetres but i wanted to get away from amc. So we went to pick up something she ordered in port credit and i saw a tim hortons. While she was in the store i went into Timmys and spent a lot of money buying their "its chocolate time" products. Chocolate time is nice.