I'll just go ahead and post three ficlets that I have written for this! I mean instead of posting them seperatly and spamming up the comm...
Title: The first meeting between two heroes
vodooman Claim: Watchtower/Robin (Smallville/Batman and Robin)
10_random prompt: night
Rating: g
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine, I only write fanfiction.
Spoilers/Warnings: none.
Author Notes: Read there...
oneshot )
Title: Letting go
vodooman Claim: Watchtower/Robin (Smallville/Batman and Robin)
10_random prompt: last time
Rating: g
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine, I only write fanfiction.
Spoilers/Warnings: none.
Author Notes: Read there...
oneshot )
Title: Those words that hurt
vodooman Claim: Watchtower/Robin (Smallville/Batman and Robin)
10_random prompt: I don't remember
Rating: g
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine, I only write fanfiction.
Spoilers/Warnings: none.
Author Notes: Read there...
oneshot )