Title: Start Over Again
clezFandom: Brutality RPG
Prompt: 03. Blurred
Character/Pairing: Torrance ‘Tor’ James and Layton Seward
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,960
Summary: For now I’m faking it, ‘til I’m pseudo making it…
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I’ve had this image for a while, and actually worked it out in my head while I was away in Scotland, which was over a month ago, but go figure, I’m just slooooow. So yeah. This is something I just could not shake; a very powerful image, obviously. Layton, who features, belongs to
sethoz, and Jenny, who is mentioned, belongs to
scifispice80. I don’t think there’s really much else I can say >.> Title and summary are from Not As We by Alanis Morissette.
Start Over Again )