glad you came. grab a seat.

Sep 17, 2005 23:41

What's in a name? Joey tells Pacey that she's going to count to 10 and then start kissing him. If she doesn't want him to, he'll just have to stop her. One of my very favorite episodes and quotes from Dawson's Creek. {A Winter Tale >> Dawson's Creek>> Season 3}

It's that time again. The first entry of a new journal. I seem to come to this point a lot. Most people can keep their journals for longer than a year, or 6 months. I am user 8,315,319 and I am sure some of you would agree that I may own half of those livejournals (just kidding!!)

I added a lot of people to my list tonight, I just created this journal this morning before work. For those who don't know me, or don't know me well - here goes.

My name is Rochelle. Most call me Ro. I am getting married October 18th, 2005 to my James whom I met in 2003. This entry from one of my writing journals is a very concrete example of how I loved him before I knew him. It was almost 2 months after I met him. Back then it was an upward downwhirl spiral that never ended. It was complicated and hearbreaking. Now it's almost too surreal and too easy. He's going to be my husband, and thats just plain crazy, hehe.

I work at Kroger. I have for almost 2 years. I recently moved from stock to the floral department. It's okay, it has its easy and difficult times. I enjoy it, but would rather not be stuck in retail forever.

Jay and I just recently got our first apartment! It's my first apartment period, and it's his first with me. He's 26, I'm 21.

I use to be into writing passionatly, and I hope to get back into that groove. I'm trying to take more photographs, so I can one day build up that passion and my photography skills. I mostly do casual snapshots. I like to catch the beauty in every day things. I don't really look for anything too out of the ordinary. You can see my photographs here. I'm trying to become a better knitter. The wedding planning has me quite a bit distracted these days. I usually post about my knitting with Manda at KP.

Other than that I'm pretty much an average teenager (minus the teenybopper) stuck inside a 21 year old body. I don't feel much different than when I was 18 years old.

Music and TV-wise. I love my Howie Day. That is an addiction I blame Mell for. I think I've been a fan for over 3 years now.

I love my One Tree Hill, and my Dawson Creek DVD sets. I don't think anyone can erase the Joey&Pacey or the Nathan&Haley out of me. That kind of romance just doesn't exsist in my world.. and I just need it (can you see the teen in me now?).

I've rambled on long enough. This is my cue to shut up.

Love me or hate me.

The latter is pretty rough don't you think? Hate is a strong word.
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