[ANNOUNCEMENT] 10_Jump Membership Applications and Welcome to Dreamwidth

May 21, 2017 01:01

Hello guys...

I've been a translator with 10_Jump for awhile, and have some points I would like to convey with regards to this community.

Membership Applications
TBH, most of the moderators, if not all, are no longer responding to the applications.
I have been accepting applications, so if I do not respond in a week, please PM me, because I may have been busy or forgot about it.

Note: I am too lazy to reply each and everyone of you to notify that you have been accepted. I will only reply if there's a problem with the application. Sorry, it's just too troublesome for me and I'm just trying to fill someone's shoes. So please feel free to click on the community to check for yourself if the application has been approved.

UPDATE: If you want to PM me, please ensure your privacy options allow people not in your friends list to respond to you. Otherwise, don't bother wondering why I don't respond. Thanks.

10_Jump in Dreamwidth
Well... I'm not sure if you guys realised at all, but 10_Jump community was closed for a short period of time before reopening.
Reason being, the LJ servers have now been moved to Russia, so LJ is pretty much scrutinized under Russian laws and this pretty much means strict rules and regulations. I'm not going to elaborate but feel free to Google LJ's new terms and policies to find out more.
So, anyway, long story short, I'm posting this on behalf of the owner.

Therefore, due to the strict regulations, we are moving to Dreamwidth, for precautions and safety.
New subbed videos will be posted in our new Dreamwidth community.
Right now, it's empty because it's just newly set-up. All the previous subbed videos links will be moved there as time goes.

To all members in the current 10_Jump LJ community, feel free to apply for membership in the 10_Jump Dreamwidth community here:

We are presently still looking for translators, timers, typesetters, encoders and moderators (again, because this is a newly-made community).

Also, to all members of the existing 10_Jump team, the owner lost contact with all of you, as she had to make the immediate switch to dreamwidth due to strict piracy and plagiarism regulations in her country. Feel free to PM her directly (or you can contact me and I will pass the message) should you be interested to join the team.

Thank you, everyone!

EDIT: I want to make this very clear. If you guys do not fulfil the requirements as clearly stated in the Dreamwidth community, your membership application will not be accepted either.
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