God save the ButlerPrompt: #4. Drunk
Author: Vespertila
Fandom: DCU, Batman
Rating: R
Charaters: Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake
Summary: he has been the silent keeper of all the family's secrets... until now.
Warnings: language and, alas, some trivial humor
Notes: Credits to
nightfall_0, because around half of the "situations" described in here is her fault =P
The most beautiful starPrompt: #5. Emotion
Author: Vespertila
Fandom: DCU, Batman
Rating: G
Charater: The Kingdom!Dick
Summary: however much could a Wayne make a Grayson suffer for love, the Grayson will always come back.
Warnings: none.
Notes: this fic refers to the non-canon saga "The Kingdom", especially to #4, titled "Nightstar", which is centered on the character of Mar'i Grayson, daughter of Dick and Kory.