Rock Me Gently (Riptide, Nick/Cody, 5 Confused/Disoriented)

Nov 09, 2012 07:24

Title: Rock Me Gently
Author: tinx_r
Fandom: Riptide
Genre/Rating: Slash/PG
Wordcount: 740
Pairing/Characters: Nick/Cody
Crossposted: pier56, writers_choice, 10_hurt_comfort, a_to_z_prompts
Notes/Warnings: None
Summary: Sometimes Cody needs some time out. And Nick's the one to give it to him...

"This is the first chance we've had
to relax for two days!"
--Cody Allen, The Hardcase
Bone weary.

author: tinx_r, riptide: cody allen/nick ryder

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