Title: The Princess and the Prince
ginnekomikoClaim: Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones (Eirika x Innes centered.)
Table:Wedding Vows
Prompt: From this day Forward
Rating: PG
Summary: In which Eirika makes a dramatic entrance and Innes accepts the reality of the situation.
Notes: Set during the events of chapter 10 of the game. A little bit of hurt, a little bit of comfort, but mostly setup.
The Princess and the Prince
This situation looked bad. They had no food and no extra weapons. What was worse, the army was advancing.
He’d sent a messenger to ask for aide, but he doubted anyone would respond to the call.
“Excuse me, Prince? If aide were to come, from what direction might they arrive?” Tethys asked.
“North; why?”
“What in the world is that?” Gerik asked.
Innes looked up. Something was… falling from the sky.
That long teal hair was unmistakable.
How in the world was she falling from the sky?
He scanned the skies and found her partner in crime.
Of course, his little sister…
Wait, had Eirika jumped down from the back of Tana’s Pegasus?
“Prince? Are you alright?” Tethys asked. “You look a little pale.”
He put his hand to his forehead and sighed. “Give me a moment.”
If they lived through this, she and Tana was going to get such a talking to.
Somehow, Eirika landed without breaking every bone in her body. She readied her blade and charged forward, not hesitating to stab anyone who came too close to her. She ran up to him.
“Hello, Prince Inness! Are you well?” she asked.
She was smiling at a time like this?
He tried not to focus on the blood spattered about her clothing.
“I’ve been better. Eirika, what are you doing here?”
“I’ve come to aide you. You must be exhausted. Please fall back and rest awhile. We can take care of these guys.”
The nerve of her! She was a princess! She knew nothing of war!
“Are you suggesting that I should hide while you protect me?”
She looked confused. “Is it wrong that I want to help you?”
He sighed. “Right now, I’m going to hold my tongue because you came to my aide and that I am in your debt. Thank you for answering my call.”
“I wasn’t trying to make you repay me. We’re friends, aren’t we?” She paused. “Prince Innes, you’re arm is bleeding.”
He looked to the side. “It’s just a scratch. I was grazed by a hired sword awhile back.”
“Let me see it.”
“We’re in the middle of a battle, Eirika,” he began.
“I don’t care! Now hold still!”
There was no reasoning with her when she held that glare of hers.
He dropped his arms.
“…Fine, but make it quick.”
She tied a small piece of cloth around the wound.
“It’s not much, but it’ll do until Natasha or Moulder gets here.”
“I don’t need a healer for something like this!” he protested.
“One moment, someone’s trying to sneak in.”
He felt his face twist. “Get back here! Do you want to get killed?”
There was that glar again. “Of course not, but I don’t want to just sit back and be protected, either!”
“You and Tana, I swear!”
Eirika held her sword into the air. The blood from the slain enemy was still fresh.“We’re going to hold them off! Seth, you lead Joshua, Natasha, Franz, and Amelia towards the gate! Forde, Kyle, you two keep the foot soldiers from advancing! Moulder, you stay here with us.”
“What do I do?” Tana asked from above.
“Stay away from the archers!” Innes snapped.
Tana frowned. “Fine. I’ll go help the others at the gate.”
“Wait!” he called.
“Wonderful idea!” Eirika said clamping her hand over Innes’s mouth. “I’ll go and…”
He grabbed her arm. “You will stay right here and let me protect you!”
She glanced back at him. “Honestly, did you listen to a thing I said?”
“I did. And while I admire your honesty, Ephraim would kill me ten times over if I let anything happen to you. If you must do something, watch my back and keep enemies from getting close enough to stab me.”
“If I say yes to this arrangement will that placate you?”
“Yes it will. I want you to stay close.”
She sighed. “Very well, I will allow you to protect me for the time being.”
“Understood. I’m… counting on you as well, Eirika.”
Her ragtag band was quite capable. They followed her orders earnestly. They were hardly tactical, but still, the enemy’s numbers dwindled. She surprised him, too. She took her role as his support very seriously. When a group of soldiers tried to corner him, she swooped in and fended them off, allowing him to take out the targets from a distance with his bow.
This arrangement could work.
When the enemy fell, all was quiet.
“Ah! We won the day!” she said.
So they had.
“Prince, since we’re all still breathing, shall I prepare some tea for you and the princess?” Tethys asked.
“Yes, please do that.”
“You must be hungry; shall we all have something to eat?” Eirika asked. “Seth, can you and some of the other prepare some food?”
Innes escorted her back to his camp. They sat around a small table.
“Prince Innes, what will you do now?” Eirika asked after she sipped her tea.
He paused from eating. “Simple. Go after Grado’s forces.”
“It would appear we have the same goal. Why not join forces? I could really… use your council. You’re much more tactically minded than I.”
“True. You’ve done well so far, but it would be wise for use to continue together.”
She smiled at him. “Thank you, Prince Innes! Um, was I… useful to you back there?”
For a moment, she looked like her younger self. The shy, unsure girl stuck in the shadow of her more talented twin.
“You were. You’ve gotten to be skilled with that blade of yours. How long have you been practicing?”
“I learned the basics from my brother a few years ago at my insistence, but I’ve only recently put them to proper use. So this means we can protect each other, right?”
He laughed a little. “You really don’t like being protected, do you, Eirika?”
“No more than you do, Prince Innes, but there is sense in use sticking together in battle. Finding you well has been a great comfort. If I must be protected, you’re the only person other than Seth whose hands I feel truly safe in. This war is… rather terrifying, but still, I feel I must do something.”
He felt himself grow red in the face. Hopefully, she wouldn’t notice.
He offered her his hand. “Come, I shall be your escort while we’re on foot.”
She took it. “Very well, I’ll allow that.”