Title: Solitary Man
m3aculpaClaim: Glee/Buffy the Vampire Slayer crossover; Spike/Kurt
Table: Classics Revised
Prompt: Lonely
Rating: G-PG
Summary: A few years later, Angel finds himself face to face with Kurt for an emotional moment that neither of them could have foreseen.
Warnings: Glee: AU after season 1. Buffy: Set after 4x14 "Goodbye Iowa". Screwy timelines, in other words. Spike's language. "Character death" (spoilers for season 7 of Buffy and subsequent Angel episodes).
Notes: Final installation in Blood Music and the table to be found
here. Posting the epilogue within this entry to make it easier for you guys. And yes, you read correctly! Matt is in this one! Isn't that awesome?
Solitary Man )