Title: Home by the Sea
Author: Crystal Rose of Pollux (
Claim: Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (The Dying Informant)
Table: General #11
Prompt: Tragedy
Rating: PG13
Summary: When the Dying Informant apparently is lost on an assignment, and after Search-and-Rescue-Net fail in finding him, the other ACME agents are forced to move on. But there is still so much they do not know... Inspired by the Genesis song of the same name.
Warnings: Seriousness/angst in a lighthearted fandom
Will be cross-posted to my journal, other comms, and the V.I.L.E. Headquarters fanfic forum. All links go to my journal.
Chapter 1:Something Doesn't Feel Quite RightChapter 2: Photos in a FrameChapter 3: Welcome to the Home by the SeaChapter 4: Let Me Out of Here!Chapter 5: With Us You Will StayChapter 6: Adrift Without DirectionChapter 7: Dreaming of the Time We Were FreeChapter 8: You Won't Get AwayChapter 9: Eyes that Hold DespairChapter 10: Longer Nights of GloomChapter 11: Just Waiting for the Morning Light; plus Epilogue