Title: Spider In My Pants
shurifanstuffsClaim: Power Rangers R.P.M.- Ziggy Grover/Dillon
Table: Do-It-Yourself
Prompt: #4 Phobia
Rating: G
Summary: Ziggy finds a spider in the kitchen.
Warnings: Spoilers for a big reveal in "Go for the Green".
Notes: Assumes basic knowledge of R.P.M. characters and that Dillon and Ziggy are an established couple.
The shriek that sounded from the kitchen of the Garage brought everything to a screeching halt and caused pandemonium.
Dr. K was startled and accidentally pressed the power button on her computer tower when her hand jerked, causing her work to disappear. Swearing fluently to herself inside her own head, she got up to investigate the source of the news, guessing who had made it and wondering what the best way to punish him would be.
Flynn was underneath Scott's car at the time, and whacked his head when he impulsively sat up to see who had screamed. Rubbing his head and sighing, he, too, headed for the kitchen.
Summer and Scott, who were in the middle of a training session, would later say they came into the kitchen morphed because they were so sure that someone was being attacked, and stayed morphed in case they needed to intervene to stop a certain someone from being killed.
Dillon arrived on the scene last to find most of his comrades standing at the door. Dr. K kept balling and unballing her fists, looking as though she would dearly like to strangle someone. Flynn was trying hard not to laugh. Scott and Summer merely stood, dumbfounded, their weapons at their sides. Smirking, he pushed his way in-between them to find the source of the noise, rolling his eyes when he saw who it was.
On top of the counter perched his boyfriend and remaining teammate Ziggy, trembling and gazing wide-eyed over the edge of it. Flynn's bowl of smoothie fruit had been up-ended, its contents scattered across the floor, and it looked as though he'd crushed an orange underneath his knees.
"Ziggy. You have 10 seconds to explain yourself before I hack into the Series Green suit and teleport you to outer space," said Dr. K in the calmest voice she could muster.
"S-S-S-SPIDER!" Ziggy screeched, jabbing his finger at the floor. The others' eyes followed where he was pointing to a huge tarantula, calmly making its way toward the cabinets.
"All that over a spider?" Summer asked, her helmet disappearing. She let out a badly-suppressed snort of laughter, then tried looking concerned.
"It's not funny!" Ziggy sniffed. "You don't know how awful those things are! The way their legs are so hairy, and all of their eyes... and the way they crawl around..."
"Ziggy, it's not going to hurt you," Scott sighed. "Why are you freaking out? Did you have a bad encounter with one of those or something?"
"No! ... Well, okay, if you must know, when I was little there was this bully who was fond of dropping them down my shirt, and one time he got an opening and put one in my pants and- let's just say it was NOT a pleasant experience and the last thing I want to see when I'm trying to eat a peaceful lunch is a BIG- FAT- BROWN- SPIDER!"
"I'll squish it!" Flynn offered, holding up the wrench he was carrying.
"Savage," Dillon finally spoke up, sighing. "There's no real reason to kill it. I got it, guys." Ziggy, still shaking, watched as Dillon calmly found a cup and a piece of paper, going up to the spider. "Here, little fella. Sorry to interrupt whatever it is you're doing, but I have to get you out of here because Ranger Green is a big, fat chicken." He slammed the cup over the spider, slid the piece of paper underneath it, and went to release it outside. As he did so, he could hear Dr. K giving Ziggy a chewing-out, so he took his time, walking several feet away from the Garage and letting the spider go in a patch of grass and flowers. "There you go. Find some flies or bees to munch on."
When he came back, he found a dejected Ziggy alone with a bucket of water and a washcloth, wiping down the counters.
"Gotta clean the kitchen for a week for interrupting important experimentations," he said by way of explanation. "Oh, and be Flynn's smoothie slave for a day or two since I made him bump his head."
"Rough," said Dillon sympathetically, patting his shoulder.
"Thanks for saving the day." A pause. "...Well?"
"Well what?"
"Aren't you going to make fun of me for being scared of spiders? Or having a spider down my pants?"
"I wouldn't dream of ever making fun of you," Dillon said. "Not for having a phobia, anyway."
"You're too kind," said Ziggy, giving his boyfriend a quick peck on the cheek.
"I can't swear that I won't persuade Flynn to leave a rubber spider in the fruit bowl or the shower or your bed sometime, though."
"... I hate you," Ziggy mumbled.
"And the feeling's quite mutual," Dillon assured him, smirking as he grabbed another washcloth to help him.
(crossposted to