(no subject)

Jan 01, 2008 08:32

Hello everyone!

Name: Holly Nicole Hoxter


Publisher: HarperTeen

Favorite Bit of Writing Advice: "You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you." -Ray Bradbury

Favorite and Least Favorite Part of Writing: I love when I'm so wrapped up in the characters that it's all I think about all day, and I want to immediately run to the computer when I get home. I love the feeling I have after finishing the first draft, when there's still a lot of work ahead of me but I can really "see" where I'm going. I love the moment when I first put together a few random thoughts and realize it could be a good idea.

What I don't like is all the waiting! Waiting for time to pass before I can take a second look at the manuscript. Waiting for critique partners to read. Waiting for agents to read. Waiting for editors to read. Waiting, waiting, waiting. I need to learn how to be patient.

Outline or Let it fly? I am unnaturally dependent on my outline. If I don't know the beginning, middle, and end, I can't even start writing. Of course all of this can change while I'm writing, but I need the security of my outline or I'll feel lost.

5 Things About Me:

1. I was in such a hurry to finish school that I graduated from college when I was 19. Then I had no idea what to do with myself. Now I would love to spend a few more carefree years trekking around campus in my pajamas and doing the crossword puzzle during class.

2. All of my full-time jobs since college have satisfied my desire to learn intimate details about other people that are really none of my business. I've been a medical transcriber, legal word processor, and relay operator for the deaf. Oh, and a house cleaner. I only had one client, but he was very interesting.

3. Since third grade, I've wanted to be a writer. I never had any aspirations to do anything else.

4. I'm training for a marathon! I'm not very fast, but hopefully my morning runs balance out all the time I spend sitting on my butt for the rest of the day.

5. I wasn't an animal person until my dad brought home three stray kittens for me to raise. Now I'm a Crazy-Cat-Lady-in-Training.


18-year-old Lainey Pike can tell you everything you need to know about the people in her family just by telling you how they died. Her reckless stepfather drove his motorcycle off the highway and caused the biggest traffic jam in years. Her long-suffering grandmother lived through cancer and a heart attack before finally succumbing to a stroke. And Lainey's mother, still devastated over her husband's death, hung herself in the basement just days after Lainey's high school graduation. Now Lainey's five-year-old brother is an orphan and her estranged older sister moves back home to act as his guardian. Dealing with her brother has always been a struggle, but sharing the responsibility with her sister is proving to be just as challenging.

Lainey knows that this is all her mother's fault, but she also knows that she eventually has to move out of the "anger" phase of the grieving process. What she can't figure out, though, is how to make peace with a dead woman.

holly nicole hoxter, the snowball effect, bio

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