Eat it.
Oh, shoot. I didn't mean THAT. Something worse. Something pickly. With much less yum.
Congrats to Suzanne Young of the "Let Them Eat Treats," Youngs, for a stealthy hold of the #1 spot.
Well done bribing all those Twitterbugs!
If you don't know what I'm talking about, go here and VOTE!* And if there are some Tenners, not yet on the list, load up your book and make a profile. We're totally kidding around about the competition. It's just a list of all of our books.
With Deb Carrie Ryan's sure-to-be-amazing second novel DEAD-TOSSED WAVES mixed in for some reason no one knows??
So join us! And have a great weekend, everybody. Whether you're at BEA or not, grumble grumble.
*for me.