I've got some short stories in the works (non-fanfiction, that is), which I hope to be able to submit to
my website soon. I'm also reworking the novel I started writing six years ago into something a bit more mature and a bit less...well, plagiaristic. That's not to say that I stole big chunks of other people's writing or anything, but when I look back on it now, I can see that I allowed my love of Final Fantasy and the fantasy/sci-fi books I was reading at the time to run away with me a little too much. I'm not sure if the finished product will be anything like the novel I set out to write when I was fourteen years old, but I'm excited to see where my imagination takes me.
As for fanfiction... I've pretty much been on hiatus from all my usual fandoms for the past few months, in part thanks to a lack of inspiration but mostly because things have been so quiet in the fanfic world-the slash genre, in particular. I've had some ideas knocking around for the Nine Inch Nails fandom and a couple of sister 'doms, but I feel like I've been on such a roll with my original characters that I almost don't want to spoil it by going back to RPS. Do I want to get sucked into a fandom that people barely read any more, anyway?
If there are still any WF readers kicking out there, lemme know if you've got requests for pairings and I MIGHT get around to writing it for ya. If not, I'll hopefully have something up on my website (which my friend,
James, has cutely dubbed 'B4C') soon. Like, Trent Reznor soon.