iTunes Meme

May 24, 2009 13:39

1. Sync up your iPod and iTunes
2. Go into iTunes and click on Top 25 played
3. Post the song, artist, album, and play count

Do not change any of the songs to look cooler or hide any embarassing songs... post the top 25 played as is.

I haven't synced up my iPod to iTunes in months so I am going to do a before/after...
I got a new computer in November, which is why I don't have any playcounts above single digit numbers, and 90% of the time I have it on shuffle going through over 8000 songs, so there are some songs in my most played list that surprised me.

Song Artist Album Play Count
Duncan Hills Coffee Jingle Dethklok The Dethalbum 7
If The World Guns N' Roses Chinese Democracy 6
Taste of my Scythe Children of Bodom Follow the Reaper 5
Three Little Pigs Green Jello Cereal Killer 5
Spider Pig Hans Zimmer The Simpsons Movie 5
The Dream Leave's Eyes Lovelorn 5
Nightquest Nightwish Oceanborn 5
Benighted Opeth Stille Life 5
Rasputin Turisas Rasputin 5
House of Glass (live 2004) Urn Live at the Double Door 5
Walk Without Limbs Virgin Black Sombre Romantic 5
Samba Briza Atheist Elements 4
Lake Bodom Children of Bodom Something Wild 4
Electra Descending (live) Christian Death Decomposition of Violets 4
Reflections Dark The Sun In Darkness Comes Beauty 4
Iron Ensiferum Iron 4
Forsvinn du som Lyser Finntroll Visor Om Slutet 4
Chinese Democracy Guns N' Roses Chinese Democracy 4
Shackler's Revenge Guns N' Roses Chinese Democracy 4
Killers Iron Maiden Ed Hunter 4
Architecture of Aggression Megadeth Countdown to Extinction 4
Mephisto Mephisto Apices Abyssus 4
Who Am I? Nobuo Umatsu Final Fantasy VII 4
Mellotron Heart Opeth Burden single 4
Heir Apparent Opeth Watershed 4

Duncan Hills Coffee Jingle Dethklok The Dethalbum 8
Bed of Razors Children of Bodom Hatebreeder 6
If The World Guns N' Roses Chinese Democracy 6
Nightquest Nightwish Oceanborn 6
Nutshell Alice in Chains MTV Unplugged 5
The Quiet Bella Morte The Quiet 5
Taste of my Scythe Children of Bodom Follow the Reaper 5
Forsvinn du som Lyser Finntroll Visor Om Slutet 5
Three Little Pigs Green Jello Cereal Killer 5
Spider Pig Hans Zimmer The Simpsons Movie 5
Phantom of the Opera Iron Maiden Ed Hunter 5
The Dream Leave's Eyes Lovelorn 5
Amaranth Nightwish Dark Passion Play 5
The Riddler Nightwish Oceanborn 5
Sleeping Sun Nightwish Oceanborn 5
10th Man Down Nightwish Over the Hills and Far Away 5
Benighted Opeth Still Life 5
Rasputin Turisas Turisas 5
Voices of Reason Urn Scribings of a Forgotten Soul 5
House of Glass (live 2004) Urn Live at the Double Door 5
Walk Without Limbs Virgin Black Sombre Romantic 5
Limbs Agalloch Ashes Against the Grain 4
Rotten Apple Alice in Chains Jar of Flies 4
Samba Briza Atheist Elements 4
Slice of Life Bauhaus Burning From the Inside 4
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