Title: Introspection
Author: Sweetdeily
Pairing: Cloud/Reno
Fandom: Final Fantasy 7.
Theme: 45. Shadow
Rating: R for graphic content, language, abuse, and MAJOR ADVENT CHILDREN SPOILERS.
Disclaimer: I don’t own them.
~By Sweetdeily.
There’s a lot of pain in Cloud Strife. A lot of pain that he never voices.
Introspective. That’s the word for him.
The way he just never says what’s on his mind when he pushes you into the mattress under him. The dark shadow that brushes through his eyes right before he snarls and kisses you- he’s a rough lay. A very rough lay.
He scratches down your back, bites your neck, and tends to shove in so hard and so fast that you can barely walk for days to come.
But that’s all fine with me. Because afterward, afterward he becomes Cloud Strife again, apologetic, quiet and less than cruel.
Some people say that they’re monsters in the sack. I don’t talk about the way he pins me down, how his cold hands run up and down my body, vaguely possessive.
I know, I know… I could make him be a little more tender if I didn’t make quips about the size of his package. He wouldn’t snarl and growl if I didn’t ask him if his dick made my ass lot fat.
But I can’t help it. I love shit stirring that beast inside of him. I love the way his eyes go cold and he shoves me against the wall, the way he -claims- my mouth as his own. No one can own my mouth, not even me. It has a tendency to detach from my brain and go off on its own little crusade. But Cloud pulls my chin toward him and mashes our mouths together like an artist would with red and blue paint.
Cloud doesn’t like me talking about how he fucks me. He tends to level that massive sword at me and growl death threats if I say anything about our ‘relationship’.
I don’t know what you’d call it. A relationship doesn’t seem to quite fit what we have. He hunts me down, even if I’m in the office or protecting Rufus and practically kidnaps me for his desire. Rufus doesn’t say much- he’s probably too afraid that if he were to object that Cloud would just kill him so there WERE no complaints.
I don’t know if that’s not an unfounded feeling entirely, either. Ever since Kadaj and his whole ‘I’m going to magical-girl-transform into Sephiroth just because I’m a bitch.’ Cloud has been getting more and more aggressive.
I joke that its latent teenage hormones with everyone else- but I shut the hell up if he starts frowning. He almost choked me when I first tried to lighten his dark mood. It was all well and good for him, but his strength is just insane.
Whatever it is, sometimes it comes and goes. He’s usually fine after he’s had sex. Or had me on a golden platter. Tifa gushes about how gentle and nice he is in the sack- I get jealous of that. He screws her and me, and I get the wild end of the horse?
And it’s a damn wild end. He almost killed the last guy that hit on me in a bar- there I was, hoping to do some laying of my own, when who should walk into the bar, but my over protective… owner. He and the guy hitting on me got into a fist fight. Cloud won.
He was so rough that night that I called in sick to work the next day. Of course afterward he was all ‘I just don’t want you seeing other people’ and ‘did I hurt you, sorry’. And I was in too much pain to put up a fight.
I’m not saying that the sex isn’t good. But I’ve come to realize there really is ‘too much of a good thing’ when it comes to Cloud Strife and his raging hormones come hard-ons.
The best time was when he barged into my apartment one night while I was watching television. He dragged me into the bathroom, drew us up a bath and quite nearly drowned us both. But he was a lot more tender that time. I suppose it was because I was also half drunk and didn’t remember much the next day.
What else is there to say about it all? That I’m in a bad way? My boyfriend is a legendary fighter who gets a little rough? No matter where I run, he finds me. He’s a damn hound these days. I kind of miss the old, gentle Cloud. Now he’s just introspective.
~ Owari.
Sweet notes: Done! Yay for me! Reviews? I like the dark Cloud stories- most can’t pull it off without angsting every second word- I’m afraid I’m one of them. But I love telling stuff from Reno’s viewpoint. I have a thing for writing uke viewpoint. ^^;; Reviews?