Title: Spin the Bottle
princeivy Pairing: Ryuichi Sakuma x Sakano
Fandom: Gravitation
Theme: #76 (game)
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not mine.
The bottle started spinning years ago.
Ryuichi Sakuma kept his love life private. But it wasn’t exactly a surprise that throughout the span of his infamous career, he had acquired a number of lovers - most of them lucky one night stands. He was never questioned as to why he never stayed with one person for long, but he knew the answer anyway. It was all part of the game - Spin the Bottle.
It kept spinning.
He met people in clubs and danced the night away. He paid for hotel rooms. He went out for coffee with cameramen from photo shoots and choreographers for music videos. He ended up in Tohma Seguchi’s arms in more than one occasion.
It kept spinning.
He didn’t know when the bottle would stop. It had been spinning for quite some time now. He ignored the anticipation and the infrequent moments of loneliness that nipped and tore at his heart. He trusted the game. He trusted the bottle.
It kept spinning.
September 19 - Sakano’s 30th birthday. Sakano had been the manager of Nittle Grasper for a while now, after the band got back together, and Ryuichi had known him even longer than that. Ryuichi and Tohma had taken him out to celebrate…and had purposefully gotten him completely smashed. Tohma had allowed Ryuichi to take the intoxicated man home. The night had gone as expected.
It started to slow.
In the morning, Ryuichi awoke first and looked over Sakano. The sunlight filtered in through the window, shining on the soft black hair that fell into his peacefully sleeping face. Ryuichi ran one manicured finger gently across Sakano’s chest. He leaned down and pressed his lips softly against his.
It slowed further.
Ryuichi felt Sakano instinctively return the kiss and he pulled away after a moment. Sakano’s eyes opened. Ryuichi waited. Approximately five seconds later, Sakano freaked and fell out of the bed. Ryuichi smiled and giggled in amusement. He was in love.
The bottle stopped.