Title: My Little Leaf
Author: Asakura Rae
Pairing: Heero Yuy x Hilde Schbieker
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Theme: 17. Falling Leaves, 57. Farewell
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing. If I did I wouldn’t be writing fanfiction.
Notes: This came to me at one in the morning when I
was playing the new FMA Autumn Version game. Chinese is hard on your brain if
you don’t know it!
-My Little Leaf-
“Goodbye may seem like forever. Farewell is like
the end. But in my heart, it’s a memory…”
He always
thought it would be him to go first…
Heero you knelt of the soft grass-covered mound, now bathed
in golden light from the swirling colors of the sunset backdrop. The shafts of
fading light caught in the trees creating a small spotlight for the few
remaining, fragile, little things as they began their performance for the
one-person audience. But he of course paid them no attention at the moment… His
Prussian orbs were focused on the slab of polished marble.
‘But in the
end it wasn’t’
A gust of wind swirled around the man, picking the fallen
leaves off the ground into a dance of sorts, which paraded around his feet, and
brushed up against his knees. This caught his attention.
The colors… the deep crimson… the color of blood.
‘The blood… so
much shed on that day.’
It had been one of those so called ‘perfect’ days. You know
the ones where the sky is a clear sapphire and the clouds are the cotton candy
like ones with the big white puffs.
That’s why he was surprised when a bullet tore through his
side. And he now knew it was a former OZ soldier… still hung up on the war.
‘She could’ve
But instead she was at his side immediately. And stayed
there till the end, when a bullet lodged in her chest just above her heart.
‘Instead she
had chosen to saved him…’
He yelped in terror, and sat upright causing the gash in his
side to spurt out blood and litter the pavement with flecks of red.
He grabbed her and cradled her head, cradling it against his
chest, absent mindedly stroking her silky hair. That’s when his training kicked
in and he realized there was no way she could survive a shot like that. And
yet… there he sat. Hoping, wishing, praying for some kind of miracle to save
He looked down as he felt her try to get up. She struggled,
but he wouldn’t let her. She would use up whatever energy she had left.
For an instant her eyes flashed open, revealing a startling
blue. The kind that reminded you of the sky on a clear day. “I-I’m sorry…” she
“Sorry?” What did she have to be sorry for? She just saved
his life! If anything it was him that should be sorry.
‘He should’ve
saved her instead… but that could never be… because we can’t turn back time.
should’ve… I love you…” Her eyes rolled back into her head and she fell limp
against his chest.
‘It couldn’t
For the first time in his life the Perfect Soldier actually
felt pain.
‘But it is…
And she’s gone forever now… it’s time to say farewell…’
Heero rose slowly and closed his eyes standing silently for
a few moments in reverie, calling back all the moments he had shared with her.
And now he realized how few and precious they were.
A second, more
forceful gust came and swept up all the leaves, clear off the ground. One
solitary rusty red maple leaf, made a mission and danced upward and around the
legs and torso of the man and snagged itself in the windswept strands of brown
Carefully Heero rose a hand up to catch the object, and
lowered it to eye level. Slowly he pressed his lips to it giving a tentative
“Just like her…” She always had reminded him of an autumn
leaf. Like this one. So simple, yet beautiful… and fragile. He had wanted to
hold her and keep her safe from the world forever…
But in the end as all things are… This never came to be. He
had to let go.
And as if on cue a swift breeze tore the dancing leaf from
his hand… and out of his reach.
He knew he had to let go. And he would learn to live without
her… eventually. But he’d never forget. Because she was still there in his
heart, and everything that he did.
With one last look he turned to head home leaving behind the
polished marble that read:
179 - 200 A. C.
Her actions and
kindness we’ll never forget…
As well as the little leaf that taught him so much.
His little leaf.