Title: Metal on Metal
brightsparkPairing: Seifer Almasy x Squall Leonhart
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Theme: #10 Eyes
Rating: G/K (depending on which system you use)
Disclaimer: Final Fantasy VIII belongs to Squaresoft/Square Enix (whichever it's copyrighted to; I'm sure I don't know) and so on, and definitely not to me.
A kiss isn't always something done with the mouth. In me and Squall's case, it has always been our eyes, or our blades. Never the touching of mouths, never skin on skin. That's not how we work. I'm not even sure he knows that it's a kiss, when his eyes meet mine, full of emotion, on fire.
I like our kisses best when it's the kiss of metal on metal, our moves perfectly timed with each other, blades flickering up and down, clashing; sparks flying, eyes meeting.
It's the closest I'll ever get to kissing him, and I'll take it.