Rurouni Kenshin, Himura Kenshin/Kamiya Kaoru, theme 32: mirror; reflection

May 20, 2007 00:06

Title: My Fears Relieved
Author: nebulia
Pairing: Himura Kenshin/Kamiya Kaoru
Fandom: Rurouni Kenshin
Theme:: 32: mirror; reflection
Rating: K.
Disclaimer: I don't own Rurouni Kenshin or Amazing Grace.

Summary: “It was…as though she had kissed his cheek and walked away, leaving a hole-a hole, but not hollow space-where she had been.” Kenshin grows. Double drabble. KT, KK.

Notes: Oh…this was just a little something that kinda popped into my head. I think I like it, even though it’s kinda weird. As always, feedback is nice but not necessary. Constructive criticism is really nice. Title from the second verse of Amazing Grace.

My Fears Relieved

At first, he feared, as he stared into the mirror, dressed in a wedding kimono and haori, that he had replaced her. He could not clearly see her face, smiling, in his mind anymore, could not recall her voice, and it terrified him.

“Kenshin, you look so handsome!” Kaoru grinned up at him from where she was hemming the kimono-her father’s-it was just a tad too long for him.

He smiled slightly down at her, and turned to the mirror. Her face…

Whenever he thought of Tomoe’s face, he saw Kaoru’s, and he feared he had replaced her.

And then there was a quiet laugh in the back of his mind and a fuzzy smile-

Perhaps she was not so much replaced as she was…forgotten, but no, not even that word was correct. It was as though she had backed herself out of his memories, as though she had kissed his cheek and walked away, leaving a hole-a hole, but not hollow space-where she had been.

Kaoru tugged on the kimono. Her stitches were small and tiny, and she told him her father taught her to sew.

She stood and kissed his cheek, and then she stayed.

Kenshin, unafraid, smiled.

rurouni kenshin, 032

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