Title: Nocturnal Romance
Author: Gothatheartholo
Pairing: Albel x Fayt
Fandom: S03
Themes: 14: Vaseline; 28: chestnut buds; 35: Snowdrop; 52: Lingerie; undergarments; 61: Over-sized shirt; 62: Kohl; 67: Night will never stay; 72: pebbles
Rating: PG13 - R for crack and death. Yeah, it’s that bad.
Disclaimer: Don’t own, except Mr. Plotty who made an appearance in “No pains, no gains” and “Sentimental Suicide”. He’s my signature crack person.
Summary: A journalist tries to unravel a mystery: Fayt Leingod and Albel Nox. It seems that the two have disappeared from the face of Elicoor II, and he’s determined to find out where they might be.
A/n: Crack-infested fic. This takes place after the game, about seven years I think, thus everyone’s older, but nonetheless, this is CRACK! Say it with me now!
Also, many thanks to iggy_lovechild for beta-ing this! ^^
Nocturnal Romance...