Title: Glorified
edenbound (ficjournal)
Pairing: Seifer Almasy x Squall Leonhart
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Theme: #58 Sword dance
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Seifer Almasy and Squall Leonhart belong to Square Enix, not to me.
It's just a glorified sword dance until the moment they cut one another's faces. Just a simple and repetitive dance -- slash and whirl and parry and block. It's pretty to watch and exhilarating to be a part of, but it isn't real until Squall can taste the blood, until Seifer can taste it, until they kiss with the blood there between them, Squall dizzy and shocked and not so much hurt as just jolted and confused from the fire spell. It's a deadly dance, and they know it now. Seifer carries Squall inside with their first scars of many.