Title: A Time and a Place
rhianwen_24601Fandom: The Incredibles
Pairing: Syndrome x Mirage
Theme: #4 - words
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, they don't like me. Even the Li'l versions. I woulda thought I could buy their favour with candy, at the very least.
Notes: Uh, yeah; AU-ish. Featuring Li'l Syndrome and Li'l Mirage, hence the G-rating. I love the idea of these two being childhood friends, even though I know it's unlikely at best. What the heck? A delusional fanauthor can dream, right? ^_~
It was bound to happen.
An entire year of silly third-grade mischief was bound to catch up with a little boy too smart for his own good, and a little girl too charming for hers.
And eventually, it did; not in detention, suspension, or any other form of discipline ending in an ion, but in something much more terrifying.
Nine-year old Buddy Pine, who would someday become Syndrome, sent a panicked look at his companion, eight-and-five-eights-thank-you-very-much Alexandra Turetta, who would someday become Mirage, as the principal hooked his thumbs into his pockets and frowned sternly at the two little culprits over the tops of his glasses.
Reading a patented Stern Talking-To in the greying man's eye and swallowing back her own dismay, Alex leaned over and squeezed Buddy's hand reassuringly, with just a hint of remember-if-you-make-a-fuss-we'll-get-in-more-trouble-so-be-strong.
And for a time, it worked. This time, unfortunately, was the three seconds it took for the principal to draw in a deep breath and utter a single word.
At ten words, Alex began to squeeze Buddy's hand more tightly, and glare at him out of the corner of bright green eyes as he fidgeted noisily in his seat.
At fifty words, she dug the toe of one pretty little black buttoned boot into his ankle as he gave a gusty sigh and fidgeted some more.
At two-hundred and fifty words, she moved onto digging her elbow into his side, silently sliding her chair closer to his as he gave an unearthly groan of pain.
At one thousand words, her chiding became less severe as her eyes began to glaze over slightly.
A little after two thousand words, Buddy-Who-Would-Be-Syndrome yanked Alex-Who-Would-Be-Mirage down into his lap, and solemnly informed the principal that the little girl had fainted.
And, as little Alex-Who-Would-Be-Mirage gave little Buddy-Who-Would-Be-Syndrome an ecstatic hug and kiss, declaring at great and elaborate length that he was an absolute genius for getting them out of that, he flushed brightly enough to match his hair and reflected that maybe some long speeches weren't so bad.