Title: Romance, Jealousy, Loneliness and Desire
Author: Gothatheartholo
Pairing: Angsty!AlbelFayt (with slight FaytSophia)
Fandom: So3
Theme: 30: Romance; 92: Jealousy; 46: Loneliness; 63: Desire
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Don’t own them.
Summary: Romance may be a façade but jealousy, loneliness and desire aren’t.
A/N: Two words describes this: Angst and Emo. This will have to take at the end where they would all split up, and I’m going to put a twist there to make things more interesting and fit the four themes I’m going to pull off in this one fic. Also, thanks to buyo-san for beta-ing! (Also, this is dir en grey influenced)
Romance, Jealousy, Loneliness and Desire(click on the links)
Title: Wishes and Farewells
Author: Gothatheartholo
Pairing: Implied AlbelxFayt (still gen-ish)
Fandom: So3
Theme: 57: Farewell; 23: Wish
Rating: PG?
Disclaimer: Don't own.
Summary: Things don't go well as they should.
A/N: This takes place directly at the part where Fayt has to say bye bye to Elicoor II for the first time. This is also another drabble; very short too.
Wishes and Farewells Title: If Endless Love is an Honest Mistake
Author: Gothatheartholo
Pairing: AlbelFayt, kinda gen-ish.
Fandom: So3
Theme: 91: Endless Love; 38: If; 51: Honest Mistake
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don’t own them.
Summary: A short drabble consisting of Fayt asking Albel a question.
A/N: Eh, a convo written in a simplistic style.
If Endless Love is an Honest Mistake
X posted to wickedalbel, 101kisses, faytalbel, my writing lj, and fanfiction.net.