Title: Heat
brightsparkPairing: Seifer Almasy x Squall Leonhart
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Theme: #69 Cobwebs
Rating: PG13/T (for the implications and the swear word)
Disclaimer: Sadly, my most beloved OTP boys don't belong to me. As you can tell. Because if they did, Rinoa would never have existed to even think about coming between them.
Squall lay beneath Seifer, and for once he didn't mind the feeling of surrender. This was different. This wasn't fighting, it was something new, a different kind of adrenaline he had only felt a few times before. He didn't mind Seifer's mouth on his, Seifer's hands on him, although once he would have fought violently to push him away. He didn't even mind Seifer's chuckle as much as he should have done, as Seifer's tongue parted his lips and slipped into his mouth.
"I'm quite surprised," Seifer said, when he pulled back, a faint smirk the only indication of what he was going to say, "that you don't have cobwebs in there. If I'm right, you haven't really kissed anyone since me, have you?"
Squall shook his head, but the heat in his body changed a little, a little more angry. Seifer just smirked a little more and soothed the anger away, his hand massaging sensitive spots he'd found the last time. "I promise I won't leave you again," he said, suddenly more serious, and Squall didn't mind it at all, reaching up and wrapping his arms around Seifer's neck to pull him down and kiss him.
"Good," he breathed, when his mouth found its way along Seifer's jaw to nibble at his earlobe and at the sensitive spot he remembered just behind his ear. "Cobwebs in my mouth or not, I've missed you." And that was truth. He'd missed every part of their complicated relationship and having Seifer with him again made him more willing to voice that.
Seifer's hand slipped lower with another of his smirks. "I wonder if you have cobwebs anywhere else... Guess I'll have to find out, and get rid of them, hmm?"
Squall gave him an annoyed look, half heated in anger and half in desire. "Get on with it and fuck me then."