This journal is friends only.

Oct 25, 2020 21:15

This journal is friends only.

+ Comment if you want to be added. No comment, no add.
+ Please comment when you see something you like, no matter how old it is.
+ Please comment if you take anything, no matter how old it is. I reply to every comment, it isn't a waste of time!
+ Use these scans for anything you want.
- Please do not take credit.
- Please do not direct link.

+/- Credit is not required, but I think it's nice.
+/- I sometimes take requests. Feel free to make them.
+/- I sometimes say no to requests. Ask at your own peril.

I am obsessive compulsive about the friends list, so it is occasionally cleaned out. Should you find yourself removed by accident, please point out my error. Thank you!
The above banner is a photo of my to-do pile.


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