(no subject)

Feb 25, 2006 17:22

to: il_pleut@livejournal.com
from: Photobucket
subject: Photobucket Warning

Your Photobucket account 1013374 has exceeded 2000 Megabytes of bandwidth this month. In order to keep free accounts available and highly reliable we cannot offer unlimited bandwidth on free accounts. If your account exceeds 2500 MB of bandwidth then direct linking to your account will be disabled for the remainder of the month. If that happens, then any posted links to your album images will be replaced with a 'Photobucket bandwidth exceeded' icon for the remainder of the month.

What did I tell everyone? XD Then again it could just be because I posted too often. :/ The month is about to reset anyway.

Anyway I've been meaning to ask: why doesn't anyone really ever comment here anymore?


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