art journal bitches.

Jun 16, 2009 10:40

 need somewhere for art dump. dev is being increasingly STUPID. and i'm mad at them. c: aka: LJ YOU ARE SO TOTALLY MY BEST FRIEND AND ALL THE COOL KIDS ARE DOING IT I JUST HAD TO JUMP ON THE BANDWAGON. anyway.

tentacles beasts... à la plaga. which i actually didn't know until someone told me. i drew from a description given to me by a friend. rrr. then greasers??? i've never seen Grease lol. FAIL. & then MORE TENTACLES BEASTS :DDDD & weird anger bondage art from history class. rrrr. whattt? & the boy with the long hair at the bottom is... uhm. i can't remember his name ORITE damon. & he might have a stint with a jock if i get around to scripting it. P:

now we have pictures of jock-boy. whose name i'm also forgetting. OHWELL. we shall call him jock-boy until i remember. but with special appearance of RANDOM SKETCHED PEOPLE & huckleberry finn!James T Kirk & his badly drawn plaid . he's to keep indie kid!spock company BUT WE DON'T TALK ABOUT THAT . he is AKA kirkleberry finn. C:

RRRR. if i feel like it i might upload my tegakie comic i've been drawing BUT NO ONE WANTS TO READ IT BECAUSE ITS TERRIBLE & TAKES PLACE IN LA WHICH I HAVE NEVER BEEN TO. DDDD: 


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