→ You must be a member to participate.
→ Your claim must be approved by a moderator.
→ Only one (1) claim per user.
→ A subject may be claimed unlimited times.
→ There is no deadline for when the challenge should be completed.
→ This is a ZERO SUM challenge so only ZERO SUM claims please.
→ Teasers should have three (3) icons. Any more should be under a cut.
→ Banners exceeding 250 width x 200 height pixels should go under a cut.
→ Icons with explicit content should also be under a cut.
→ Do not link to locked posts.
→ Please use only official art (anime/manga). Fanart is not permitted.
→ Please use the following format to post:
Artist:Series:Claim:Progress: Example:
tearingsSeries: Loveless
Claim: General Series
Progress: 45/100
If you have any questions, please ask them here.